Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Brown Spots

Hyperpigmentation is a common complexion issue that can disrupt the otherwise even tone of your skin. This pigmentation problem is characterized by flat brown spots on the skin that appear darker than the surrounding area. Unfortunately, these stubborn discolored marks can affect people of any skin tone and type.

While not often a health concern, unwanted brown spots can keep you from feeling like your best self. Keep reading to learn about common causes of brown spots and how Joan Hardt, M.D. can treat these marks with innovative skin treatments.

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Common Causes Of Brown Spots

Many people have brown spots on their skin. At the most basic level, brown spots are caused by an overproduction of melanin, or skin pigment. Excess melanin in the skin can be triggered by several factors, including:

  • Sun and UV exposure

  • Aging

  • Heredity

  • Hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy

  • Skin damage, often caused by acne

  • Certain medications

  • Certain diseases and medical conditions

As someone dealing with dark patches of pigmentation, you may have one or more distinct types of brown spots. Common types include sun spots, age spots, melasma, and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. While difficult to treat at home, Dr. Hardt can easily address these marks from the comfort of our elegant cosmetic medical center.

Effective Brown Spot Treatments

As a sought-after specialist with years of extensive training, Dr. Hardt will meticulously evaluate your brown spots and identify the ideal non-surgical solution. She offers only the most advanced and effective treatments on the market as part of her commitment to achieving unparalleled results. The following skin treatments excel at correcting dark spots and producing radiant, even-toned skin.


The PicoWay system is a next-generation laser treatment platform. In clinical studies, PicoWay lasers have achieved high rates of benign pigmented lesion clearance. This means that the lasers are proven to effectively fade pigmentation issues such as dark spots. The short treatment session transforms your skin from the inside out with little to no downtime.

The laser works using incredibly short pulses that create a photoacoustic impact. This effectively fractures pigment particles without affecting the surrounding skin tissue. The device’s ultra-short pulses are 100 times faster than Q-switch lasers, lowering the risk of side effects and making it more appropriate for darker skin tones.

IPL Photofacial

Photofacials are popular treatments that utilize intense pulsed light (IPL) to significantly improve the look of your skin. Dr. Hardt performs photo facials using the unmatched Syneron Elos laser.

This state-of-the-art device is ideal for addressing brown spots on the face and body. It can also improve the appearance of fine lines and pores. Patients describe the treatment as tolerable and love the fact that it allows them to return to their normal routines immediately.

CO2 DOT Therapy

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Dermal Optical Thermolysis (DOT) laser therapy is the latest innovation in the field of micro-ablative skin rejuvenation. Micro-ablative laser treatments remove minuscule layers of skin to encourage rapid healing. They are gentle enough to be used on the face, décolletage, and other sensitive areas.

CO2 DOT therapy stimulates collagen production to revitalize your complexion from within. This treatment offers long-lasting improvement of brown spots and other concerns.


Arguably the most well-known device in the cosmetic laser space, Fraxel can improve the tone, texture, and radiance of your skin. It works by targeting complexion issues with microscopic columns of energy that stimulate the production of new, healthy skin cells.

This advanced device can significantly reduce the appearance of unwanted brown spots in a single session. Fraxel is effective on sun spots, age spots, melasma, and other pigmentation concerns.

Learn More About Brown Spot Removal In OKC

Our safe and effective in-office treatments can fade your brown spots and reveal more even-toned skin. For individual recommendations, please call 405-842-1100 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Hardt. Rejuvena Cosmetic Medical Center welcomes patients from Oklahoma City, Norman, Edmond, and nearby areas of Oklahoma.


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